Flight Challenge


Participants analyze flight principles with a rubber band powered model aircraft.


Build, fly, and adjust (trim) a model to make long endurance flights inside a contained airspace. Any model design is acceptable if the model complies with the event specifications. All models are to be built and test flown before the event date.

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Hydro Rockets


Students will apply aerodynamic principals and construction methods to design and build a rocket that will achieve the longest hang time without the use of a parachute.


Using necessary materials, participants will build a rocket out of plastic soda bottles at their school. Rockets will be launched on competition day. The objective is to have the rocket with the longest hang time - time in air from launch to landing without the use of a parachute.

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Students will apply their knowledge of simple and complex machines to design, construct and test a trebuchet powered by a counterweight or a catapult powered by torsion.


Participants will use research and design to develop a machine that will throw an object as far as possible as well as maintain accuracy. Students will build, test, and refine their machines at their school and conduct several test throws the day of the event. Students must construct their entry from scratch. No kits please.

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VEX Robotics


Students will demonstrate their robotics design, building, programming, and driving skills through the VEX Robotics Spin-Up competition format.


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Bridge Design


Using the necessary materials provided, participants will build a model of their structure while working at their school. These structures will be destructively tested on the BSTA site to determine the efficiency of their design.


Design & construct a model that reflects knowledge of strength and construction concepts meeting the design constraints.

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CO2 Dragsters


Participants design, produce working drawings, and build a CO2-powered dragster.


Design and produce a fast CO2-powered dragster according to stated speculations and using only certain materials. Minimum vehicle weight 47 grams.

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Logo Design


Participants will demonstrate proficiency with graphic design software to produce multipurpose graphics.


Students will design a new logo for the "Broward Technology Student Association" to be used in printing, web, and large format output. Each student will submit one logo design. The single design should be demonstrated in color, grayscale, and line (black & white).

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